
mage2_dev - CLI tools for Magento 2 Development and Deployment

Installation: ( Pls use Composer > 2.0 )

composer require trunglv/mage2-dev:dev-main

If you have any idea about a new stuff need to be added, pls contact me via email : or skype beta_trunglv! My pleasure!

I think, This project will help developers save time in developement and deployment in any Magento2 project.

We can enable a production mode on a local machine host, or DEV server (For saving time loading), And then just put only updated files to a pub/static folder.

For example, you want to test a mixin you are implementing, just use a few commands.

bin/magento beta_dev:deploy_static -m [your_module] -f js/[your_mixin_path] -t [your_theme]

## Installation

##### Clone and copy a source code into a folder app/code/Betagento 
##### Just enable this module and run DI Complile ( Magento developers will understand )

## Install from Composer

composer require trunglv/mage2-dev:dev-main

## Debug tools
### 1. List all plugins for a class

bin/magento beta_dev:show_plugins -t “Magento\InventorySales\Model\AreProductsSalableForRequestedQty”

Examples for results:



### 2. List all observers for an event 

bin/magento beta_dev:show_observers -e catalog_product_get_final_price

Usage: beta_dev:show_observers [options]

Options: -e, –event=EVENT Event code : –e catalog_product_get_final_price -s, –scope_code[=SCOPE_CODE] Scope : -s global|frontend|adminhtml|crontab|webapi_rest|webapi_soap|graphql


### 3. Show all controller actions for a frontname per a scope

bin/magento beta_dev:show_controller_action -f checkout -a frontend

Description: Show all controller actions for a frontname per a scope

Usage: beta_dev:show_controller_action [options]

Options: -f, –frontname=FRONTNAME Frontname : –m catalog -a, –area=AREA Area Code: –a frontend|adminhtml

Example Result:


### 4. Reflection for Api Services

Description: Refection for API Services

Usage: beta_dev:api_reflection [options]

Options: -a, –api=API API ID : -a : /V1/carts/:cartId/shipping-information -m, –http_method[=HTTP_METHOD] HTTP Method: -m POST

Example :

bin/magento beta_dev:api_reflection –api “/V1/carts/:cartId/shipping-information” -m POST

##### General information
##### Input Data Reflection
##### Output Data Reflection

## Deploy static files ( Javascript, Css, Html, Js-translation, requirejs-config.js )
### Before run CLI commands below - Pls ensure you have deleted the folder var/view_proccessed ( Some static files are cached in that folder)
### 1. Build/Deploy CSS/Javascript Files

bin/magento beta_dev:deploy_static -m Magento_Checkout -f js/view/shipping-address/address-renderer/default.js -t Magento/luna

-- Able to deploy adminhtml themes and fully deploy for a directory

bin/magento beta_dev:deploy_static -t Magento/backend -a adminhtml -m Magento_Catalog -f js

### 2. Deploy a requirejs-config.js 

bin/magento beta_dev:deploy_requirejs -t Magento/luna

### 3. Deploy a js-translation.json 

bin/magento beta_dev:deploy_static-t Magento/luna -f js-translation.json

### 4. Deploy css/styles-m.css, css/styles-l.css

bin/magento beta_dev:deploy_static-t Magento/luna -f css/styles-l.css

bin/magento beta_dev:deploy_static -t Magento/luna -f css/styles-m.css

## Other tools

### 1. Build an order grid table ( For missing orders and missing data in existed items ) 
#### Build for all missing orders 

bin/magento beta_dev:build_order_grid –missing-orders true

#### Build for a specific order -- In case you want to refresh just one item due to just missing a few fields. 

bin/magento beta_dev:build_order_grid –missing-orders [order_id]
